Saturday 9 December 2017

Learn SAP CRM Online | Key Benefits of Integrating SAP CRM Software with ERP

What makes integrating CRM with ERP system

ERP system (Enterprise Planning Resource) has established itself as indispensable backend software system for business. But with the rapid flow of information on the internet and the prevalence of e-commerce corporate that failed to acknowledge changing customer habits or analyze market data effectively and put it their use will eventually forced out of the game. While ERP can help monitor workflow and streamline production and sales, it lacks the ability to maintain and cultivate existing customers relationship and develop new customers. Contrarily, customer relationship management (CRM) can consolidate customer information and perform detailed analysis, allowing businesses to shift from a production centric approach to a customer centric model and, ultimately into a comprehensive management platform. Learn what CRM does from SAP CRM training by SAP Trainings Online, which is best resource of SAP online training.
Benefits of integrating ERP and CRM
A 360degree view of customer:
How well do you know your customers? One of the biggest advantages of CRM and ERP integration is that it gives you a complete view of your customer. From prospect, to sales and support, to finance and accounting, together these systems provide complete visibility into your customers’ needs, buying habits, order history, preferences, account standing, etc. Not only does this knowledge give you better insight into your customer base, it can help you build lasting relationships with customers and determine where there is potential for future growth. It can even help you anticipate your customer’s needs before your customer does.
Better visibility into sales cycle and improved sales forecasting
ERP and CRM integration creates a single point access for invoice-order-product information. This renders sales rep with improved visibility of order status, purchase history and other order details. Most importantly, a full-blown integration offers sales reps and marketing professionals with real-time customer and sales data that can be leveraged for improved forecasting.
Better access to critical information
SAP CRM and ERP solution that is fully integrated gives your employees the ability to access important information in real-time. Without it, your employees are less efficient and your customers will pay the price. For example, when a customer contacts your call center with a simple question about the status of an order, your call center representative should not have to go into different systems to access that information or inquire with other employees. A fully integrated ERP and CRM solution empowers your employees with access to the information they need exactly when they need it. With the touch of a button, they can retrieve inventory levels, shipments, customer financials, order history, returns, payments, pricing, etc.
Reduce data and work duplication: By proving employees the means of updating a single, centralized database.
Improve interdepartmental communication: By enabling disparate departments to collaborate more easily.
Make more informed business decisions: By giving managers and business owners an enhanced visibility over their products and customers. For example, when you want use CRM to find out most income generated product, ERP’s costing module can help companies analyze by plugging in cost and profit data. On other hand, ERP provides accurate data for studying a customer in CRM’s database.
Spruce up customer service
A well-integrated system allows employees in your company to have a 360-degree view of customer interactions. This speeds up the query resolving time, and enables businesses to approach customers in a more personalized manner. For instance, if a prospect reaches your support team enquiring about inventory/stock, your CRM rep won’t have to browse through multiple systems, since all the information is served on a unified platform. Swift customer service at your disposal!
Better mobility
This is a boon for all those sales reps, which are always on the run! Nothing can be more beneficial for a sales rep to have all the customer, inventory, product and pricing information at his fingertips when on the go during a sales meeting. This helps greatly to close more deals efficiently.
With a robust CRM and ERP integration, employees from various departments will find it easier to collaborate. Further, streamlined information keeps everyone in your business on the same page. Managers and CXOs can keep a track of all the critical business operations in real time, which will aid them to make more informed business decisions.
SAP CRM training
Customer Relationship Management is a business strategy for optimizing customer interactions. It helps in understanding your customers, their needs and requirements. Learn SAP CRM from world’s biggest unique SAP training resource SAP Trainings Online by 12+ years of experienced faculty.
We provide best SAP CRM training with our training learners can become expert in concepts like Organization Management, Account Management, Territory Management, Product Master data, Transaction processing, Lead Management, Opportunity Management, Quotation Management, Order Management, Contract Management, Activity Management and Visit Planning.etc.
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